Hey, Ya'll

My name is Peyton Jones and I am a senior at the University of South Carolina. I will be graduating May 2019 with Leadership Distinction in Global Learning. I will also graduate with a degree in Risk Management and Insurance and a Minor in Political Science. Upon graduation I will start working for Deloitte in Charlotte in their Risk Advisory function where I hope to establish myself as a young professional and advance my career.
During my time at Carolina I have been presented and taken many opportunities to learn and grow inside and outside of the classroom. Even as a freshman I knew I wanted to make studying abroad a part of my USC experience, but I didn’t realize the impact doing so would have on my personal and academic career. My trip abroad confirmed so many ideas, concepts, theories, practices, etc. that I was introduced to in Columbia, and helped me further my understanding of what it means to actually understand and comprehend a topic fully. My trip also pushed me to grow as an individual and opened my eyes to many events and happenings of the world.
My three key insights: What Genocide Looks Like, The Culture of Food, and My College Assignment is Your Way of Life, introduce and depict just how I took classroom learned objectives and made them into memories, ideas, and concepts of my own that will now live with me forever. I would have never truly understood the impacts of genocide, realized the importance of sustainability, or experienced the immigration process I had not moved to Rome and made the connections that I reflect upon in my portfolio. My academic career would not have been any less if I had not perused GLD and created this portfolio, but it is infinitely more meaningful and memorable because I have done so.
After reflecting on this portfolio, I now understand that if I had not moved to Rome, Italy for five months I would have likely missed out on so many important beyond the classroom connections that furthered my learning from within the classroom. Through my three key insights and leadership portion of my portfolio I show that while some things can be learned and understood in a classroom the impact and benefits of “seeing is believing” promote and sustain the deepest version of learning.
This site was my study abroad blog while I was traveling so please feel free to look at my posts if you feel so inclined.