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Twenty Four Hours

Twenty four hours. That's the amount of time I have left in the great United States of America before I start the biggest adventure of my 20 years on this Earth. I keep thinking to myself how did this happen? where did the time go? is this real? When I decided to study in Rome it felt like this day would never come, but here it is, literally right at my finger tips.

These past few days at home have made me think about all the things I wont have while abroad...a dryer, an oven, peanut butter, Diet Coke, Calypso Cafe Jamaican curry...oh and my parents, my dogs, my friends. In a way its like I'm going off to school for the first time again.I will have a new place to live, new roommate, and new school. Although this time I am a much different girl than I was when my parents left me in the Capstone parking lot bawling my eyes out in 2015. I am much stronger. Instead of worrying about all the unknown aspects the next 180 days of my life holds I am beyond excited to jump into a new adventure. I look forward to what lies ahead instead of dreading it.

So here I am. Sitting at my desk in Nashville. I am not one bit anxious, nervous, or scared to be moving across an ocean with only 100 lbs of my belongings. Instead I'm counting down the hours until I get to the moment the past two years of planning has lead up to.

Talk to you in ROMA!

XO, Peyton

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